Saturday 16 October 2010

hello Saturday.

Hello Saturday!

oke. i'm greeting this saturday and wish something fine will be happen. apao ya? rasa e ndak mampu menghadapi minggu depan, rasa e pengen ngilang loo.. hufft. minggu depan itu ya, bukanne mau ngelebai-lebai no loh, liaten tah skejul ku. 
Monday : Test Asistensi jam 08.45 lab TB.
Tuesday : Presentasi ISBD jam 11.30.
Wednesday : Presentasi SIM jam 13.30. [sek ndak pasti]
Thursday : Quiz MK chapter 9 jam 07.30. plus rasa e pak Edwin mau marah2 iki.
Friday : Presentasi Humbiss cakk..! jam 07.30.
and you know. yang udh clear itu mek test asistensi, soale open. presentasi ISBD soale wes bagi kelompok. presentasi SIM sek mw garap, apalagi humbis. duh duh duh GOD, wish me luck! bless me please! Tuhan saya sangat butuh tangan Mu. 

dan hari ini, Sabtu yang cerah ini, I got meeting on 09.00 a.m @ T2. huft. so tired. so sick. td malem udh nge down banget, udh sakit, ketambahan sms Mbek. duh duh. pgen ndak dateng rapat e, tapi ya gak enak juga, akhir e, dateng. siallll >< rembang loh telat bangun gak dateng. tp gpp, pas udh tengah2 rapat, ak wes mule fit, soale ngebahas sesuatu yang spektakuler banget, jadi e senang lah ya.. wkwk. lanjot. asli e mari rapat, ak mw pulang, mw kerja SIM.. tapi, hatiku menahanku. aku mau membantu kelompok seminar ini. selain tugas ku memang itu, aku juga pengen bareng mereka. alhasil, ak bertahan. bantu mereka dekor, bantu aje simulasi MC. ya aku stand by lah buat mereka. wkwkwk >< dan hal itu, pelan2 bikin aku cheer up lagi, kenapa? soale aku dalam kondisi dibutuhkan orang dan isa berguna buat orang lain. apalagi tadi sempet ketemu Ko Alpin, tutor ku sekaligus koko yang paling baik. duh ko, ketemu koko bikin segerr lagi.. sampe akhirnya, ak Good Luck-ing Aje sama Cynthia, MC acara hari ini, trus aku chao pulang dan jalan ke papan pengumuman test Asistensi. dan menemukan nama Mbek lagi. DRUASSSTTTT!! nge down maneh. ==" ==" ==" apao seh, mesti lek habis liak Mbek iku, langsung down???!!! Answer me, GOD! 
ya akhir e sepanjang jalan pulang aku bergumam dewe, tentu aja seputar si Mbek.. aku lek inget Mbek yo, mesti sedih... 
"just let me know, that you will be okai mbek. than i will let you go. i will let you spread your wings and be the one who you always want to be, be your self. i know. it's the time to let you go, and it's the time for me to decide what should i do next. i will let you go. sure. i will let you go, and I will start my life without you again. i'll keep all about you in my memories' box, and i never know, when i could throw it away. am I will keeping it all of my life? or I will throw it as soon as posiible?.. Let the time wipe out my tears. Let the time erase you from my mind. Let the time heal my heart from you. Let the time make me more stronger.."