Sunday 28 November 2010

a new born heart

hello the ends of november. how are you?
after all of struggling and many activities to do. many parts of my hearts are falling into pieces, finally I got a surprise, that my heart still a piece. and the other surprise, that my heart still him. okai. not easy to forget a man, and the one that we love so much, so here I am. still with him, although there's no more hope anymore, i still with him. i know all the best of him, and i always want to be the one who cheer him up. 

meskio ak ya ngerti, dee seneng mbe sapa, tapi yapa lagi, ak bukan wes kadung, tp wes nyemplung, dan benere ndak tau yapa cara kluare, tapi, smua ini ndak setengah hati, ak bener2 sek care. and now, slowly, i see that he become his new one. with another life, not with his friends again. so happy to know that. ya, meski suda ndak mengharapkan apapun. yapa yaa.. dee mw bareng konco e ya gpp lho, suka suka e dee, ak isa apa. temene dee itu wes xg paling terbaik, tempat dimana dee ngerasa isa bebas, isa diterima, ya biarlah ya toh.. 
sekarang ak yakin, dia jauh lebih dewasa, lebih tau mana baik dan mana buruk buat hidup e, jadi ak ikut bersyukur aja.. ikut senang dan berharap he still the same. my lovely marlboro ijo *hug*

kalo kamu mau tau, hidupku sekarang sudah jauh lebih baik, aku kuat, kuat sekali, dan semua karena kamu. kamu selalu jadi orang yang mengajari ku banyak hal, dalam diam mu, kamu membuat aku berproses untuk memahami diam mu, so that's why i love you. you're so amazing, just the way you are. aku bersyukur untuk semua hal baik dalam hidupmu, aku tau kita tidak bertakdir untuk bersama, but here I am, still with you, and let me be your guardian angel. for forever lifetime